Big Richard To Perform at Macey Center Jan. 20

Jan. 9, 2023


Big Richard
Big Richard will perform at Macey Center Jan. 20, 2023.

SOCORRO, N.M. -来自科罗拉多州的四重奏女音乐家,具有丰富的跨流派背景 将在梅西中心表演蓝草音乐、旧时光音乐、古典音乐、乡村音乐和流行音乐 Friday, Jan. 20, at 7:30 p.m. 《365彩票在线计划》成人票价15美元,儿童票价12美元 65岁及以上老人,17岁及以下青少年5美元,新墨西哥州免费 技术学生,并可在nmt在线获取.edu/pas. The performance will be 之前是表演艺术系列(PAS)社交时间,以家庭风格的舒适为特色 food and drink specials from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for the general public and $5 for NMT students.

大理查德特色邦妮西姆斯曼陀林,乔伊亚当斯大提琴,艾玛罗斯贝斯 and guitar, and Eve Panning on fiddle. The four musicians came together in late 2021 组建乐队,乐队以令人瞠目结舌的精湛技艺迅速声名狼藉; playfully irreverent stage banter; stunning four-part harmony; imaginative arrangements; a refreshingly eclectic repertoire; and a healthy dose of lady rage. After selling 在他们所有的俱乐部演出之后,大理查德很快开始确认在音乐节上露面 across America. 这个四重奏已经发行了三首单曲和一张专辑《365彩票在线过滤》.”

“这是一个超级群体,”PAS总监Ronna Kalish打趣道. “I am a big fan 但这些女孩是最棒的,”卡利什说. “They are amazing singers 一流的乐器演奏家,带着强烈的女性幽默. I would call this concert the ‘Director’s Choice!’”

该节目还将在PAS的Facebook和YouTube页面上进行直播,并附有链接 to those sites through the PAS website, Sponsors of the show are IRIS-PASSCAL, Desert Herbals, Mine Country Radio, Bob & Kathy Markwell, the Deborah Treder Memorial, NMT SGA and KUNM-FM.